


Minimum Wage

No single person, let alone family, can survive on the current $300 a week that Colorado’s minimum wage provides. Workers should not have to work two or three part time jobs to make ends meet. Dan Pabon supports raising the minimum wage to a living wage, and helping families survive and thrive in their communities.

Gun Safety

We must make sure our communities and families are safe from gun violence. Dan Pabon will work to keep guns out of the hands of violent, repeat offenders, close the loopholes on straw purchasing and background checks, and stop the spread of illegal, dangerous firearms.

Economy and Jobs

Maintaining and growing a strong economy for Colorado is one of Dan Pabon’s areas of focus in the Capitol. He has supported and lead initiatives, like BuildColorado.com, to expand job training and give opportunities for people to learn new skills to join or rejoin the workforce.

Affordable Housing

Our families should be able to live in their communities, but sky-rocketing housing prices are making many areas of Colorado, and Denver in particular, inaccessible. Dan Pabon will work with stakeholders throughout the state to add more revenue to building more affordable housing.

Equal Pay

In 2016, there is no excuse for women to make less than men for the same work. Dan Pabon worked to pass the Colorado Pay Equity Commission to help close the pay disparity for women and people of color in Colorado. He will continue to fight for equal pay until everyone has the same opportunities to succeed.

Clean Energy and Local Jobs

Colorado has the potential to be a national leader in clean energy — and that means good-paying jobs right here at home. Dan Pabon believes we can build a future where our economy and environment go hand in hand. That’s why he supports investments in electric vehicle infrastructure, wind and solar energy, and retraining programs for workers transitioning from coal and oil. These aren’t just green policies — they’re job-creating solutions that help families thrive while protecting Colorado’s air, water, and land for generations to come. Learn more about how clean energy is powering change at kw-kilowat.com.


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Absolutely agree with the preceding three comments. Mark Kieft just about took the words out of my mouth. All Obama brought us was more war mongering and more obstruction to universal health care. The Nobel committee already disgraced itself by giving him the Peace Prize. He deserves nothing but an honest evaluation of his presidency - something which has so far not seen the light of day.

SHO MO | COMMENTED 2018-04-22 12:50:59 -0600 Tweet

Do not name the highway after Obama. Perhaps a garbage dump in need of a name?

JOHN SCHUBERT | COMMENTED 2018-04-19 22:24:23 -0600 Tweet

I agree with the sentiments of others who have posted on your website earlier today. DO NOT rename Interstate 25 after ANY political figure, and DO NOT waste taxpayer money on signage in connection with the same. If you don’t any have more pressing issues to address than this, you shouldn’t be representing the people of Colorado!

ANONYMOUS | COMMENTED 2018-04-19 21:40:23 -0600 Tweet

Do not rename I-25 after any political figure. Don’t you have more important business to address than crap like this.